20 Feb Sustainability in packaging: What are the consequences?
Sustainability is defined by finding a balance between the financial, social, cultural and ecological (commonly called the Quadruple Bottom Line). This balance must allow for the needs of all of us currently living on Earth to be met without preventing those same needs from being met by future generations – Brundtland Commission, 1987.
There is NOTHING created by humanity that truly fits its definition. As we all know, not everyone in this world is as blessed in terms of education, income, healthy food, access to clean water. The vision of “sustainability” is when all of our economies and ways of living allows for those without to ‘have’.
Green design is a stepping-stone towards more sustainable solutions. The ultimate goal of a green designer is to minimize his/her environmental footprint with their creations. This means to choose non-toxic, recycled/post-consumer or reused materials, minimize the project’s (or your studio’s) carbon footprint, ensure you value people by creating things that people truly need, and when choosing vendors, find those that pay a living wage and care about their employees health.